Archive Mode. Call Surfing Madonna Second Annual "Save the Ocean" ended on 9/12/22, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Nancy Hunter

I started creating fused glass and mosaics after taking several in person and online classes. My passion is repurposing old surfboards into beautiful mosaics. I also make fused glass cityscapes, abstract yard art, bowls, coasters and funny faces. I like to demonstrate different techniques in my pieces and use a variety of glass which has turned into a bit of a glass hoarding situation. Starting with clay bead making as a teenager, I've always had creative hobbies such as jewelry making, woodworking, creative writing and now fused glass and mosaics. I feel very fortunate to have had some of my pieces juried into local shows. Friends and family are seemingly and surprisingly still pleased to receive an occasional "gift of glass" but there's nothing like someone buying your art to validate that feeling that others appreciate your creativity as well.